
TheBenešdecreesissuedintheperiodbetween1940and1945hadapoweroflaworconstitutionallawininevitablecasesandontherecommendationofthe ...,TheDecreeofthePresidentNo.108/1945Coll.,ontheConfiscationofEnemyPropertyandtheFundsofNationalRenewal,wasnotonlyalegalbutalsoa ...,2003年8月18日—Theso-calledBenesdecreesareinfactlawswhichwereissuedduringtheSecondWorldWarandimmediatelyafterthewarbyatfirstbyour ...,W...

Memorandum on the Beneš Decrees

The Beneš decrees issued in the period between 1940 and 1945 had a power of law or constitutional law in inevitable cases and on the recommendation of the ...

19950308 - PL. ÚS 1494

The Decree of the President No. 108/1945 Coll., on the Confiscation of Enemy Property and the Funds of National Renewal, was not only a legal but also a ...

The "Benes decrees"

2003年8月18日 — The so-called Benes decrees are in fact laws which were issued during the Second World War and immediately after the war by at first by our ...

Lost homes and legal battles: Beneš Decrees

Why have the Beneš Decrees, which legitimated the post-war expulsion of Germans from Czechoslovakia, surfaced so persistently as a political problem?

Decrees of the President of the Republic from the years ...

unanimously confirmed Edvard Beneš as President of the Republic, thus providing additional political and legal affirmation of the continuity of the Czechoslovak ...

Beneš decrees

The decrees dealt with various aspects of the restoration of Czechoslovakia and its legal system, denazification, and reconstruction of the country. ... It was ...

Slovak Beneš decrees and the right to property | E

2024年4月8日 — In 2007, the Slovak Parliament declared the uninterrupted legal validity of the laws known as the Beneš decrees. ... The Slovak authorities still ...


The Beneš Drecrees were ordinances which had the status of law and which the President of post-war Czechoslovakia, Edvard Beneš (1884-1948), used to govern ...

Why Is Ethnic Discrimination Still Legal in Slovakia?

2022年3月12日 — The Benes Decrees, composed of 141 decrees issued from 1940 to 1945, aimed to lay the foundations of the new postwar Czechoslovak state. Benes ...